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Emergency Yarn Deliveries

Emergency Yarn Deliveries

Vickie Cole |

Dear Customers

I'm sure you have heard of COVID - 19 it's everywhere on the news so I thought I would take a few minutes to update you on what is happening at the shop.

At the moment it is business as usual however we will continue to monitor Government advice and should that change we will update you on our Facebook page.

As it stands we are disinfecting all high contact surfaces daily such as door handles and around the till. On busy days such as Saturday's when we have multiple workshops running we will also disinfect throughout the day. We have had an additional boiler fitted this week and now have running hot water in both toilets as well as the classroom. Towels have been replaced with paper towels. 

All customers attending knit n natter or a workshop will be asked to wash there hands on arrival. This also includes tutors and reps,any customers that wish to use our facilities are more than welcome to. I'm looking forward to hearing some blasts of Timmy Mallett's itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini been sung and just in case you've forgotten the words here they are.

If you are unwell even if it's just a cold please stay home. If you need yarn you can either order from us here on our website or call us on 01924 565740 and we will post it out to you.

A small number of workshops have already been postponed at the request of the tutor. These are Portuguese knitting, Drop Spindle and Beginners Spinning on a Wheel. We are awaiting a new date for these workshops and anyone booked on will be automatically transferred to the new date unless we hear otherwise from you. We have already contacted everyone booked on these workshops and will be in touch again once we have a new date which should hopefully be soon.

All other workshops are still going ahead, in the event that the situation worsens and travel is restricted we will work with the tutors to move the workshops to a date later in the year. If this happens we will contact you and we will also announce it on Facebook. Knit n natter, Stitch Club and Happy Stabbers will also continue unless we are forced to stop.

Please do bear in mind small businesses like ours are already suffering, we have seen a significant drop in footfall in the last 10 days. As I write this now at 11.30 am we have seen exactly 3 customers. Whilst the Government promised in the budget yesterday relief for small businesses, on top of the damage Brexit has already done we cannot sustain this lack of business for long. 

Please do continue to buy from us either in person from the shop, by phone on 01924 565740 or online at . Let's face it we could all do with a new project or two to keep us going if we have to stay home!