Bramble the Dragon
Have you heard the tale of Bramble the Dragon, the friendly guardian of the precinct at Wool n Stuff? She's been patiently waiting for the Hatchling to arrive, spending the...
Vickie Cole |
Have you heard the tale of Bramble the Dragon, the friendly guardian of the precinct at Wool n Stuff? She's been patiently waiting for the Hatchling to arrive, spending the...
Vickie Cole |
Rico Creative Summer Sprinkles Last summer we received our first delivery of Rico Creative Summer Sprinkles and I cast on the little summer cardigan from Rico Pattern 1259. Which turned...
Vickie Cole |
Yarnstravaganza Yarnstravaganza in association with the UK Hand Knitting Association (UKHKA) is back for the 2nd year in a row. This year it's happening between 30th September and 7th October....
Vickie Cole |
About 75% of the customers that walk into our shop are looking for baby yarn which is why we have such a huge dazzling range. I often get asked which...
Vickie Cole |
Dear Customers Firstly may I say thank you to each of you for all the support you have shown us since lockdown began. You have certainly keeping us busy with...
Vickie Cole |
Dear Customers I'm sure you have heard of COVID - 19 it's everywhere on the news so I thought I would take a few minutes to update you on what...
Vickie Cole |
What is the best yarn for knitting socks? Sock yarns need to be hard wearing its going to be on your feet all day and if your anything like me...
Vickie Cole |
Are you looking to join a craft group in West Yorkshire? Then here is the details of all the groups that currently run from our shop Wool n Stuff @...
Vickie Cole |
It's been quite a year as many of you can imagine moving premises was bad enough but on top of that we have had to deal with Brexit and issues locally...
Vickie Cole |
I've had loads of people asking about our Sock Club so I thought I would sit and write a bit more about it and answer everyone's questions at the same...
Vickie Cole |
Sometimes you just knit a yarn and go oh wow and that's the reaction I had to the West Yorkshire Spinners Colour Lab. We've had in the shop for a...
Vickie Cole |
Wool n Stuff is a large city centre yarn shop but we don't just sell yarn you will find a large selection of fabric, haberdashery, needle felting supplies, craft kits,...
Vickie Cole |
As many of you know Yarn Shop Day is my favourite day of the year by far only the annual Yarndale trip comes close to it. This year was the...
Vickie Cole |